Our Purpose

At Veritas Artistry, our purpose is different than most other independent, single owner, American handmade jewelry makers. We want to do more than just make attractive jewelry!

We make jewelry that:

  • Uses designs and components that highlight and explain the greatness of who God is and what He does.

  • Has the purpose of helping you remember biblical truth that can assist you in worshiping and trusting God, praying, or perhaps providing an opportunity to share God’s truth with someone.

Therefore, our jewelry is not meant to be a cheap, disposable accessory. We want our jewelry to be a quality, long-lasting item that means something much deeper to you!

Our Name

  • Veritas

    The word “veritas” means “truth” in Latin.

    The Bible, God’s Word, is the only source of absolute truth and God’s means of changing people. Jesus prayed:

    “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:3.

    The main goal of Veritas Artistry is that God would be glorified as His Word is remembered, applied, and shared.

    All of the jewelry pieces include a specifically designed verse card that shares the verse the piece is meant to bring to mind along with a beautiful picture of God’s creation.

    In addition, some of the jewelry pieces include a downloadable ebook Bible Study that helps you better understand the verse and contains questions to help you apply it to your life.

    Finally, each piece provides an opportunity to share this precious truth with others as they comment on or ask about the jewelry.

  • Artistry

    Artistry of God

    God is the Creator of all things and the Master Designer. He created every stone and element in the materials I use.

    “For his invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.” - Romans 1:20

    The jewelry I design and make seeks to show off the greatness of our amazing Creator God.

    Artistry of the Jewelry

    Using materials God has created, some of which are mentioned in the Bible, each design is meant to help you remember, apply, and share God’s Word.

    The shapes, colors, stones, and overall designs were intentionally chosen to help create a beautiful visual reminder of biblical truth.

    Since God’s Word is precious and eternal, quality materials were used in the designs.

About Sara Rosenquist

Jewelry-Making Start

My jewelry-making journey began almost 30 years ago. A year after becoming a Christian, I took a jewelry-making class in high school. One of the first items I created was a sterling silver cross pendant. I actually made two of them – one to keep and one to give away, hopefully to someone I was able to share the gospel with. From the beginning, I saw jewelry-making as an opportunity to both encourage Christians and to provide opportunities to share about Christ with others.


After high school, God took me on another journey, but one that still contributes to the creation of my business. I love science and nature and received degrees in teaching Science and English, teaching at local colleges for a few years. I loved studying the sciences, mainly Biology and Earth Science, and seeing how creation points to God. The more I learned about His world, the more in awe of God I became. When I see the semi-precious stones, gemstones, pearls and shells used in my jewelry, I am drawn to praise and worship this Creator God more.


Through the past 25 years, I have sought to help others know and love God better through the study and application of His word in a variety of contexts: leading Bible studies, personal discipleship, teaching God’s Word at weekly bible studies and retreats, participating in overseas and local mission trips, leading local church Women’s Ministries, training female small group and Bible teachers, writing Bible study and Women's’ Retreat curricula, and being better trained and equipped myself to handle His Word. Teaching God’s Word is a love of mine and contributes to my desire to write Bible studies for those who want to go deeper into the verses behind the jewelry I create.

While being involved in ministry, I made jewelry to encourage others and to help them remember truth from God’s Word. I designed and made jewelry as thank you gifts for Bible study leaders to remind them that although we all have different gifts, we are all living stones that make up the body of Christ (1 Peter 2:5). I designed a bracelet for a friend whose daughter was killed in a tragic accident to remind her of the hope she has. I led a workshop at a Women’s Retreat teaching the women how to make a bracelet connected to a main verse from the retreat. I also made a bracelet for a pastor’s wife who was going through a difficult time to remind her that God was using it for His glory and her good.


God also allowed me to be a wife to a wonderfully loving, supportive, and wise husband and brought three precious daughters into our family. I have loved being a wife and mom, and for a long time, serving my family and church occupied the majority of my time.

Starting a Business

Now that my girls are getting older, God is leading me on this new journey of owning a jewelry-making business. It all started when my husband suggested that I start selling my jewelry. This suggestion has lead to the creation of Veritas Artistry, which combines many of the things I love: God and His Word, God’s creation, designing and making jewelry, and encouraging Christians to remember, apply and share God’s Word with others. I now get to make handcrafted jewelry designed to reflect Biblical truth. May you find items here to encourage you in your walk with the Lord and to share with others how they can know and love Him, too.