Return Policy


We offer returns under the following conditions:

  1. If the item is defective and covered under our warranty, we will pay for return shipping and either refund or replace the item.

  2. If you are not happy with the item and it is in good condition, we offer returns for 90 days but the customer is responsible for shipping.

  3. If the item is damaged due to accident, misuse, not following our care instructions, etc. we do not offer returns.

Please contact us for details if needed.


We guarantee our products to be free of material defects under normal use.

Normal use includes wearing the items and using them as intended. We will not warranty against forceful pulling or catching on items, contact with hard objects, use of soaps, lotions, perfumes, chemicals, and water that can damage the products, wearing while working outside, etc.

Care Instructions

Avoid water, soaps, lotions, perfumes, chemicals, etc. Keep away from young children. Not intended for children under age 13.

Avoid strong contact with hard surfaces. Do not wear while working out or working outside.