Host a Scripture-Inspired Jewelry-Making Party!

Host a fun time with friends creating unique and beautiful jewelry with natural stones to help you connect God’s Truth and beauty to your life!

Great for:

  • Ladies Nights

  • Women’s Bible Study Groups

  • Women’s Retreat Workshops

  • Craft Night

  • Friends Hangout

  • Gift-making (Mother’s Day, Christmas, birthday, thank you, etc.)

  • birthday parties (ages 13 and up only)

  • Mom and Me parties (ages 13 and up only)

  • Make One, Give One

Parties Include:

  • A discussion about the meaning and application of the verse to your life

  • Instruction on how to make and design the jewelry

  • Time to design and create your own unique piece from a variety of quality, hand-selected natural beads and stones

  • Original verse cards to take home with you

  • 1.5-2 hours

  • Prices start at $30 per person plus tax with upgrades available for additional purchase at the party

Gift for the host:

  • receive a FREE hostess gift for up to 3 paying guests

  • If you have 4-6 paying guests- receive a FREE $30 piece

  • If you have over 6 paying guests- receive a FREE $30 piece plus a $15 credit towards upgrades

  • Pricing (per person):

    $30 for a bracelet, pendant, OR pair of earrings with silver-plated or gold-plated materials and natural stones and beads

    Premium upgrades available for purchase at the party:

    • Sterling silver upgrades start at $10 depending on the amount and type of material (for example: clasps, beads, wire, etc)

    • Gold-filled upgrades start at $15 depending on the amount and type of material (for example: clasps, beads, wire, etc)

    • Stone or bead upgrades start at $10 depending on type and number of stones

  • Host Responsibilities:

    Within local Spokane, WA area

    Space requirements to have set up before the party :

    • one 2 ft x 1.5 ft flat space and chair per paying guest. A kitchen table and/or folding table work well.

    • one 2 ft x 2 ft flat space and chair for the instructor. This could be the end of a table.

    • At least three 1 ft x 1 ft easy-to-access areas for bead containers. The center of a table works well.

    Invite friends!

    A week before the party determine how many guests you will have and let Sara know

  • Sara's Responsibilities:

    Discuss with the host about her needs and desires for the party to help it be an encouragement for the ladies coming.

    Create digital invitations for the party if desired and send them to the host to use

    Bring all supplies needed (tools, beads, materials, etc.) for the expected number of guests

    Lead a discussion about the verses, teach how to make the pieces, and assist guests with their creations as needed.

    Bring invoices and take payment at the party.

Choose One Package Option:

  • Hope in Hard Times Package

    But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lam. 3:21-23

    Create a reminder of the hope you have in trusting in God’s character using beads from the colors of the sunrise. As you see the colors of the sunrise on your piece, may they remind you of God’s mercies that are new every morning!

    Make one bracelet, pendant, OR pair of earrings.

  • Wonderfully Made Package

    I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Ps. 139:14

    Create a reminder that you are wonderfully made with great value and worth! Guests will choose from a variety of beautiful and unique hand-selected stones to craft into pendants reflecting their own style and preferences. Each is truly one-of-a-kind --just like you!

    Make one pendant (includes a stainless steel chain).

  • Love God, Love Others Package

    “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matt. 22:36-39

    Create a reminder of the great priorities of loving God and loving others! Guests will chose from a variety of heart-shaped stones, beads, and clasps to select two hearts to center their design around. Other beads will be available to fill out the design.

    Make one bracelet, pendant, OR pair of earrings.

Want to book a Party?

Interested in booking a jewelry-making party in the Spokane, WA area? Fill out this form and I will be in touch with you Monday-Saturday. I can't wait to hear from you and help encourage you and your guests with the truth of God’s word and His beautiful creation!